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Fattest People in The World
Fattest People in The World

Top 10 Fattest People in The World


Top 10 Fattest People in The World: Have you ever wondered who the heaviest people in the world are? Obesity is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects millions globally. Understanding the extreme cases of obesity can shed light on the challenges and health risks associated with it. In this article, we’ll explore the lives of the top 10 fattest people on Earth, their struggles, and their journeys towards a healthier life.

Fattest People in The World.

Understanding Obesity

Definition of Obesity

Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat. It’s typically measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI), where a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. This condition results from a combination of genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.

Causes of Obesity

There are many causes of obesity, including:

  • Genetics: Family history can play a significant role.
  • Diet: High-calorie, low-nutrient foods contribute to weight gain.
  • Physical Activity: Lack of exercise is a common factor.
  • Medical Conditions: Some health issues and medications can lead to weight gain.
  • Psychological Factors: Stress, depression, and other mental health issues can influence eating habits.

Health Risks Associated with Obesity

Obesity can lead to numerous health problems, such as:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Diabetes: Higher likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Joint Problems: Excess weight puts strain on joints, leading to conditions like arthritis.
  • Sleep Apnea: Obesity can cause breathing problems during sleep.
  • Certain Cancers: Increased risk of various types of cancer.

Top 10 Fattest People on Earth

Overview of the List

The following list highlights individuals who have reached extreme levels of obesity. These cases are not meant to sensationalize their conditions but to understand the severe impact of obesity and the importance of health management.

Criteria for the List

The individuals on this list have been recognized for their extreme body weights, documented through medical records and media reports. Their stories are not just about their peak weights but also their health journeys and the impact of obesity on their lives.

1. Jon Brower Minnoch


Jon Brower Minnoch was born in 1941 in the United States. From an early age, he struggled with weight gain.

Peak Weight

Jon reached a peak weight of approximately 1,400 pounds (635 kilograms), making him one of the heaviest people ever recorded.

Health Struggles and Achievements

Jon’s weight led to severe health problems, including heart and respiratory issues. He was hospitalized multiple times and put on strict diets. Despite his challenges, Jon’s story raised awareness about the serious health risks of extreme obesity.

Fattest People in The World
Fattest People in The World

Fattest People in The World.

2. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari


Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari, a Saudi Arabian national, gained international attention due to his extreme obesity.

Peak Weight

At his heaviest, Khalid weighed around 1,340 pounds (610 kilograms).

Health Journey and Current Status

Khalid underwent extensive medical treatment, including surgery, to reduce his weight. His journey has been one of remarkable transformation and perseverance, significantly reducing his weight and improving his health.

Fattest People in The World
Fattest People in The World

Fattest People in The World.

3. Manuel Uribe


Manuel Uribe, from Mexico, became widely known as one of the heaviest people in the world.

Peak Weight

Manuel’s peak weight was about 1,320 pounds (597 kilograms).

Weight Loss Journey

With the help of doctors and a strict diet, Manuel managed to lose a significant amount of weight. His story was a testament to the possibilities of weight loss with proper medical and nutritional support.

Fattest People in The World
Fattest People in The World

Fattest People in The World.

4. Walter Hudson


Walter Hudson, an American, was famous for his extreme obesity and unique lifestyle.

Peak Weight

Walter’s peak weight was approximately 1,197 pounds (544 kilograms).

Unique Lifestyle and Health Challenges

Walter’s weight made it difficult for him to move or leave his home. Despite these challenges, his story highlighted the daily struggles faced by those with extreme obesity and the importance of a supportive environment.

Fattest People in The World
Fattest People in The World

Fattest People in The World.

5. Rosalie Bradford


Rosalie Bradford, born in the United States, holds the record for the most weight lost by a woman.

Peak Weight

At her heaviest, Rosalie weighed around 1,200 pounds (544 kilograms).

Personal Achievements and Struggles

Rosalie’s weight loss journey was remarkable. She lost over 900 pounds with the help of medical professionals, becoming an inspiration for many. Her story is a powerful reminder of the potential for recovery and health improvement.

Carol Yager


Carol Yager was another American who gained notoriety for her extreme weight.

Peak Weight

Carol’s peak weight was estimated to be around 1,200 pounds (544 kilograms).

Health Issues and Legacy

Carol faced numerous health issues due to her weight, including mobility problems and infections. Despite her struggles, her story brought attention to the urgent need for effective obesity treatment and support.

Fattest People in The World
Fattest People in The World

Fattest People in The World.

6. Robert Butler


Robert Butler, from the United States, was known for his extreme obesity.

Peak Weight

Robert’s peak weight was about 1,200 pounds (544 kilograms).

Journey Through Obesity

Robert’s life was marked by his battle with weight and the associated health problems. His story is a reminder of the severe impact of obesity on quality of life and the importance of medical intervention.

Mayra Rosales


Mayra Rosales, also from the United States, gained media attention for her extreme obesity.

Peak Weight

Mayra’s peak weight was approximately 1,100 pounds (499 kilograms).

Transformation and Current Life

Mayra’s journey to health involved significant weight loss through surgery and lifestyle changes. Her transformation has been inspiring, showcasing the possibility of recovery and a healthier life.

Patrick Deuel


Patrick Deuel, another American, was recognized for his extreme obesity and efforts to lose weight.

Peak Weight

Patrick’s peak weight was around 1,072 pounds (486 kilograms).

Health Improvements and Challenges

Patrick’s weight loss journey included surgery and a strict diet. His story is a testament to the challenges and rewards of overcoming extreme obesity.

Paul Mason


Paul Mason, from the United Kingdom, was known as one of the heaviest men in the world.

Peak Weight

Paul’s peak weight was about 980 pounds (444 kilograms).

Life After Significant Weight Loss

Paul underwent surgery and made significant lifestyle changes, losing a considerable amount of weight. His story highlights the ongoing journey of maintaining weight loss and health improvements.


Obesity, especially in its extreme forms, poses significant health challenges and requires comprehensive management. The stories of these individuals highlight the importance of medical intervention, support, and determination in overcoming obesity. While their journeys are unique, they share a common message of hope and resilience.


What causes extreme obesity?

Extreme obesity can be caused by a combination of genetic factors, poor diet, lack of physical activity, medical conditions, and psychological issues.

How can extreme obesity be treated?

Treatment often involves a combination of diet, exercise, medical interventions, and psychological support. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

What are the health risks of being extremely obese?

Health risks include heart disease, diabetes, joint problems, sleep apnea, and certain types of cancer.

How do these individuals live their daily lives?

Individuals with extreme obesity often face significant mobility challenges and require assistance with daily activities. Their quality of life can be severely impacted without proper support.

What can society do to help those struggling with obesity?

Society can promote healthy lifestyles, provide access to medical care, and offer psychological support to help individuals manage and overcome obesity.

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