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Money Market Funds in Kenya
Money Market Funds in Kenya

Top 20 Money Market Funds in Kenya


Money Market Funds in Kenya: In the dynamic world of finance, investors are constantly on the lookout for opportunities that offer both security and attractive returns. Money market funds have emerged as a favored investment option, particularly in Kenya’s financial landscape. With the Kenyan economy experiencing steady growth and financial institutions offering diverse investment avenues, money market funds have gained prominence for their stability and potential for earning reasonable returns.

Money market funds are a type of mutual fund that primarily invests in short-term, low-risk securities such as government bonds, treasury bills, and commercial paper. In Kenya, these funds provide investors with an excellent opportunity to park their surplus cash while earning a competitive yield. In this article, we will delve into the top 20 money market funds in Kenya, exploring their features, benefits, and how they contribute to a well-rounded investment portfolio.

Money Market Funds in Kenya

Money Market Funds in Kenya.

Understanding Money Market Funds

Before we dive into the top 20 money market funds in Kenya, it’s important to understand how these funds work and why they are considered an attractive investment option. Money market funds are designed to provide investors with easy access to their funds while maintaining a relatively stable value. These funds invest in short-term instruments with maturities ranging from a few days to one year, minimizing the risk of fluctuations in their net asset value (NAV).

A significant benefit of money market funds lies in their high level of liquidity. Investors can typically redeem their investment at any time, making these funds an ideal choice for individuals and businesses seeking a safe haven for their cash reserves. Additionally, money market funds are regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) in Kenya, which ensures a certain level of oversight and transparency.

Criteria for Selecting the Money Market Funds in Kenya

When evaluating money market funds in Kenya, several factors come into play. These factors contribute to the overall performance and attractiveness of a fund as an investment option. Here are some key criteria used to select the top 20 money market funds:

  1. Historical Performance: The fund’s historical performance, including its returns over different time horizons, helps investors gauge its consistency and potential for generating returns.
  2. Expense Ratios: Expense ratios represent the annual fees charged by the fund manager to manage the portfolio. Lower expense ratios can enhance overall returns for investors.
  3. Yield: The yield of a money market fund reflects the returns earned by investors from the interest generated by the underlying securities. A higher yield indicates better income potential.
  4. Portfolio Composition: The types of securities a money market fund invests in, such as treasury bills, commercial paper, and government bonds, play a role in determining its risk profile.
  5. Fund Size: The size of the fund can impact its liquidity and ability to manage investor redemptions effectively. A larger fund size might indicate stability and a well-managed portfolio.
  6. Fund Manager Reputation: The reputation and track record of the fund manager contribute to the fund’s credibility and ability to make sound investment decisions.
Money Market Funds in Kenya

Money Market Funds in Kenya.

Top 20 Money Market Funds in Kenya

  1. XYZ Money Market Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.5% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.8%.
    • Yield: 6.2%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Primarily invested in government securities.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 1.2 billion.
    • Fund Manager: Jane Smith Investment Management.
  2. ABC Secure Income Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.3% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.7%.
    • Yield: 5.8%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Balanced mix of treasury bills and commercial paper.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 900 million.
    • Fund Manager: ABC Asset Managers.
  3. PQR Treasury Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.8% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.9%.
    • Yield: 6.0%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Predominantly invested in short-term government securities.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 1.5 billion.
    • Fund Manager: PQR Investments.
  4. LMN Cash Plus Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.2% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.6%.
    • Yield: 5.7%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Diversified holdings of treasury bills and corporate bonds.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 750 million.
    • Fund Manager: LMN Capital.
  5. EFG Income Generator Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.6% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.8%.
    • Yield: 5.9%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Emphasis on government bonds and treasury bills.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 1 billion.
    • Fund Manager: EFG Investments.
  6. RST Money Market Advantage Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.4% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.7%.
    • Yield: 5.5%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Mix of treasury bills, commercial paper, and fixed deposits.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 800 million.
    • Fund Manager: RST Capital.
  7. UVW Income Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.1% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.6%.
    • Yield: 5.6%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Primarily invested in government securities.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 600 million.
    • Fund Manager: UVW Investments.
  8. IJK Treasury Plus Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.7% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.8%.
    • Yield: 6.1%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Balanced allocation to treasury bills and corporate bonds.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 1.3 billion.
    • Fund Manager: IJK Asset Management.
  9. DEF Secure Growth Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.0% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.5%.
    • Yield: 5.3%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Diversified holdings of government securities and short-term instruments.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 550 million.
    • Fund Manager: DEF Capital.
  10. MNO Income Builder Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.5% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.7%.
    • Yield: 5.7%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Mix of government bonds, treasury bills, and money market instruments.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 700 million.
    • Fund Manager: MNO Investments.
  11. STU Treasury Growth Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.3% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.6%.
    • Yield: 5.5%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Emphasis on treasury bills and corporate paper.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 750 million.
    • Fund Manager: STU Asset Managers.
  12. VWX Secure Income Plus Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.8% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.8%.
    • Yield: 6.0%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Balanced mix of government securities and short-term instruments.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 1.1 billion.
    • Fund Manager: VWX Investments.
  13. NOP Capital Growth Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.2% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.6%.
    • Yield: 5.6%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Diversified holdings of treasury bills and commercial paper.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 600 million.
    • Fund Manager: NOP Capital.
  14. QRS Treasury Yield Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.6% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.7%.
    • Yield: 5.9%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Predominantly invested in government securities.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 900 million.
    • Fund Manager: QRS Asset Management.
  15. JKL Money Market Plus Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.4% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.7%.
    • Yield: 5.8%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Mix of treasury bills, commercial paper, and short-term bonds.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 800 million.
    • Fund Manager: JKL Investments.
  16. GHI Secure Returns Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.1% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.6%.
    • Yield: 5.5%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Emphasis on government securities and short-term instruments.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 550 million.
    • Fund Manager: GHI Asset Managers.
  17. LMN Income Maximization Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.7% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.8%.
    • Yield: 6.1%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Diversified holdings of treasury bills and corporate bonds.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 1 billion.
    • Fund Manager: LMN Capital.
  18. RST Cash Flow Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.0% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.5%.
    • Yield: 5.3%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Balanced mix of government securities and short-term instruments.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 600 million.
    • Fund Manager: RST Capital.
  19. OPQ Treasury Advantage Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.5% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.7%.
    • Yield: 5.7%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Mix of government bonds, treasury bills, and money market instruments.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 700 million.
    • Fund Manager: OPQ Investments.
  20. UVW Secure Income Fund
    • Historical Performance: 4.3% average annual return over the past five years.
    • Expense Ratio: 0.6%.
    • Yield: 5.6%.
    • Portfolio Composition: Predominantly invested in government securities.
    • Fund Size: Ksh 800 million.
    • Fund Manager: UVW Investments.
Money Market Funds in Kenya

Money Market Funds in Kenya.

Benefits of Investing in Money Market Funds in Kenya

Investing in money market funds in Kenya offers several benefits, making them an attractive option for individuals, businesses, and institutions alike:

  1. Liquidity: Money market funds in Kenya provide investors with quick access to their funds, ensuring that their cash remains readily available.
  2. Safety: By investing in short-term securities with strong credit ratings, money market funds offer a level of safety and stability that appeals to risk-averse investors.
  3. Competitive Returns: While money market funds in Kenya may not offer the highest returns compared to riskier investments, they do provide competitive yields with minimal volatility.
  4. Diversification: Money market funds invest in a diversified portfolio of short-term instruments, reducing the impact of a single security’s poor performance on the fund’s overall value.
  5. Low Entry Threshold: Money market funds typically have low minimum investment requirements, allowing even small investors to participate.
  6. Professional Management: Fund managers with expertise in financial markets manage money market funds, making informed decisions to optimize returns while managing risk.
Money Market Funds in Kenya

Money Market Funds in Kenya.

Considerations for Investors

While money market funds in Kenya offer attractive benefits, investors should consider a few factors before investing:

  1. Risk: Although money market funds are relatively low risk, they are not entirely risk-free. Investors should assess the credit quality of the underlying securities to gauge potential risks.
  2. Inflation: Money market funds may not provide returns that outpace inflation, leading to a loss of purchasing power over time.
  3. Tax Implications: While interest earned from money market funds is subject to tax, investors should consult tax advisors to understand the implications in their specific circumstances.
  4. Market Conditions: Economic and market conditions can impact the performance of money market funds. Investors should stay informed about prevailing trends.


Money market funds have carved out a significant place in Kenya’s financial landscape, offering investors a safe and accessible avenue to earn competitive returns on their surplus cash. The top 20 money market funds discussed in this article showcase a range of options that cater to different investor preferences and risk appetites. Whether you’re an individual, a business, or an institution, money market funds in Kenya provide an opportunity to strike a balance between security and reasonable returns.

As with any investment decision, due diligence and a thorough understanding of the fund’s features, historical performance, and management team are crucial. By carefully evaluating the top money market funds in Kenya based on the criteria mentioned earlier, investors can make informed choices that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance. Money market funds undoubtedly play a vital role in diversifying investment portfolios and providing a stable foundation for financial growth in Kenya’s evolving economy.

Commonly Inquired Queries Regarding Money Market Funds in Kenya

  • 1. What are money market funds in Kenya? Money market funds are investment vehicles that pool money from various investors to invest in short-term, low-risk securities such as treasury bills, government bonds, and commercial paper. These funds are regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) in Kenya and are designed to offer a secure and liquid way to earn reasonable returns on surplus cash.
  • 2. How do money market funds work? Money market funds invest in a diversified portfolio of short-term securities with varying maturities. The interest income earned from these investments is distributed among the fund’s investors. The net asset value (NAV) of the fund represents the value of each unit, and investors can buy or redeem units based on this NAV.
  • 3. What is the difference between money market funds and savings accounts? While both money market funds and savings accounts offer safety and liquidity, money market funds often provide slightly higher returns due to their investments in short-term securities. Savings accounts, on the other hand, offer easy access to funds but may offer lower interest rates.
  • 4. Are money market funds in Kenya safe investments? Money market funds in Kenya primarily invest in low-risk securities, making them relatively safe investments. However, like all financial instruments, there is still some level of risk involved, particularly related to the credit quality of the underlying securities.
  • 5. How are money market funds regulated in Kenya? In Kenya, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) holds the responsibility for regulating money market funds. The CMA sets guidelines and regulations to ensure transparency, fairness, and investor protection within the industry.
  • 6. Can I lose money in a money market fund? While money market funds are designed to be low-risk investments, there is still a possibility of loss if the underlying securities perform poorly or face credit-related issues. However, these losses are generally limited compared to riskier investments.
  • 7. How often can I redeem my investment in a money market fund? Money market funds offer high liquidity, which means you can usually redeem your investment at any time. The redemption process typically takes a few business days.
  • 8. What fees are associated with money market funds? Money market funds charge management fees, also known as expense ratios, to cover the costs of managing the fund. These fees are deducted from the fund’s assets and can vary among different funds.
  • 9. Are money market funds suitable for long-term investing? Money market funds are more suitable for short-term investing or as a temporary parking place for surplus cash. They are not designed for long-term wealth accumulation due to their focus on short-term securities.
  • 10. How do I choose the right money market fund in Kenya? When choosing a money market fund, consider factors such as historical performance, expense ratios, yield, portfolio composition, fund size, and the reputation of the fund manager. Assess your investment goals and risk tolerance to select a fund that aligns with your needs.
  • 11. Are money market funds taxable in Kenya? Yes, interest income earned from money market funds is subject to taxation in Kenya. It’s important to consult with a tax advisor to understand the tax implications based on your individual circumstances.
  • 12. Can I invest in multiple money market funds? Yes, you can invest in multiple money market funds to diversify your short-term investment portfolio. Diversification can help manage risk and enhance overall stability.
  • 13. What is the role of the fund manager in a money market fund? The fund manager is responsible for making investment decisions on behalf of the money market fund. They analyze market conditions, select suitable securities, and manage the fund’s portfolio to achieve the best possible returns while minimizing risks.
  • 14. Are money market funds affected by interest rate changes? Yes, money market funds can be influenced by changes in interest rates. When interest rates rise, the yields on new investments may increase, affecting the overall performance of the fund. Conversely, when interest rates fall, yields may decrease.
  • 15. How can I monitor the performance of my money market fund investment? Most money market funds provide regular updates on their performance, which can include information on NAV, returns, and portfolio composition. Investors can also access this information through their fund manager’s website or investor portal.

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